tFUS (Transcranial Focused Electrical Stimulation)

Investigating the role of specific cortical brain regions and functional brain networks in creative thinking and related cognitive processes using transcranial Focused Ultrasound Stimulation (tFUS)

Guiding Questions

How are we studying this?

tFUS is a non-invasive technique that applies low-frequency focused ultrasound waves (ranging from 220 to 650 kHz) to the scalp to either excite or inhibit neuronal activity. Compared to other neuromodulation methods (e.g., tES and TMS), tFUS can modulate deep brain structures with better spatial focality. To enhance the precision of tFUS and to measure changes in neural activity, we will also use structural and functional MRI on participants. We will conduct creativity tasks after participants receive tFUS to determine how the changes in neural activity may enhance cognitive performance.