
Investigating the ability of neurofeedback training (i.e. giving people real-time feedback about their brain state) to improve creativity

Guiding Questions

How are we studying this?

Neurofeedback training is a noninvasive technique through which individuals can learn to control or enhance their own neural activity, often with corresponding changes in behavior. During neurofeedback training, we use electroencephalography (EEG) to record real-time brain activity. This data is then processed and used to give participants real-time information about a specific component of their neural activity in a user-friendly way (such as objects changing colors or a video / picture being revealed). The neural activity that we give feedback on, for example the power of a certain frequency band or a specific pattern of activity, are neural markers known to be associated with creative thinking. To evaluate their progress, participants are given a series of tasks throughout their neurofeedback training sessions to evaluate their creativity, attention, cognitive control, and other higher-level cognitive processes.

Team Lead: Danny Holzman