Emily Dyke - Alumna

Emily has been a part of the Green Lab family since summer 2018. She received her Bachelor of Arts at the University of Michigan, where she studied biopsychology, cognition, and neuroscience. She is primarily interested in neuroimaging techniques that explore cognitive development in children and adolescents. Her past research areas include substance abuse & addiction and risk & development in children. Through her time in this lab, she has taken a keen interest in how creative expression can be enhanced through varying behavioral and neurological techniques. She currently holds the position of Project Leader for the Geospatial Semester project and Research Coordinator for the Belief Study. She has expanded her role to having involvement in all of the projects going on in the lab in some capacity. In her free time, she enjoys exploring the many wonderful parks in D.C., listening to music, and cooking for her friends.

email: ed768@georgetown.edu