Emilee Naylor - Alumna

Emilee received my B.S. in Psychology with an emphasis in Neuroscience from Westminster College in 2012. Thereafter, she headed to the University of Oregon to pursue masters training under the advisorship of Dr. Marjorie Taylor and serve as the Imagination Laboratory Manager. There, Emilee conducted research examining the effects of global and local perceptual priming on mind wandering and creative cognition in adults. She also investigated children’s invention of imaginary worlds —“paracosms” — and the role this imaginative activity plays in their social and cognitive development. In 2014, she decided to get her taste of the East Coast and joined the lab at Georgetown for doctoral training. Emilee's current research interests include developing a mental navigation/attention-switching paradigm that measures our ability to efficiently switch between our internal musings and our perceptual experiences. She is particularly interested in the roles mental navigation and cognitive flexibility play in the creative process, and whether such flexibility differs across creative domains. Outside of academics, you can usually find her pouring over a novel in a coffee shop, bicycling around town, or adventuring in nature all while having a constant stream of music playing through my earphones.

email: ern23@georgetown.edu